Thursday, May 16, 2013

Simple Ways To Relieve Foot Pain

foot pain
There are a lot of causes of foot pain and there are many factors that contribute to different types of foot pain. But the primary cause is using the wrong type of footwear, especially women with their high heels causing a lot of strain on the feet.

A lot of female patients suffer from a condition called Achilles tendinitis. This is foot pain usually felt behind the foot. When wearing high heels for long periods of time, the unusual position of the foot shortens the Achilles tendon. Now back at home, where the feet return to the normal position, a tightening effect or the stretching of the Achiilles tendon occurs causing some discomfort. Eventually, the prolonged use of these types of shoes can cause the Achilles tendon to be painful and inflamed.

Another common cause of foot pain is plantar fasciitis. This is due to the injury or inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a strong fibrous tissue found under the foot, and is responsible for maintaining the arch of the foot. For this reason, the plantar fascia is constantly under stress when walking or running. That’s why this structure is always prone to injury causing mild to severe foot pain.

In cases of foot pain, the first thing that can be done is the RICE method:


Allowing the foot to rest is the primary goal to relieve pain and also treating the injury causing the pain. Taking pain relievers is not recommended because it masks the pain, allowing you to use your foot, which can further cause injury. 

Applying cold stimuli to the injured foot can decrease the pain and swelling. 


Wrapping the foot with an elastic bandage helps immobilize the foot, this helps in the healing process. Also, it helps in controlling swelling.


Lastly, if the foot is really swollen, raising the foot above the heart can prevent pooling of bodily fluids on the affected foot.

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