Monday, April 8, 2013

Common Cause Of Foot Pain

Our feet are probably the most abused parts of the body. We use our feet the moment we get out of bed, it bears the weight of the whole body and imagine the tremendous stress we put on our feet when we run or lift heavy loads.  

It is no wonder why we experience foot pain every now and then. But if foot pain does not go away in a few days, you may have a foot condition that’s causing all your pain.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the common causes of chronic heel pain. The plantar fascia is a very strong connective tissue that attaches to the calcaneous bone or heel bone to the metatarsal bones, and is responsible for maintaining the arch of the foot. Usually, the plantar fascia gets micro injuries when using the wrong footwear, lifting heavy weights, sports and due to old age.

Another common cause of foot pain is Achilles tendinitis. The Achilles tendon is also a very strong ligament, just like the plantar fascia. This time, the Achilles tendon is found behind the foot, and it attaches behind the heel bone to the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles above. Just like the plantar fascia, the Achilles tendon can also suffer from micro injuries which causes a lot of pain.

One way to manage foot pain is to do the RICE method. 

Rest. Allowing the foot to rest is very important to stop further injuries to the plantar fascia or Achilles tendon. This will allow the micro injuries to heal.

Ice. Applying cold stimuli to the foot can relieve pain and inflammation. Do this in 2-3 minute intervals, too much isn’t good too, because it can actually aggravate the pain.

Compression. Wrapping the affected foot with an elastic bandage is a good way reduce swelling, it is also good in immobilizing the foot. Remember not to wrap the bandage too tight.

Elevate. Elevating the foot above the heart is an excellent way to alleviate swelling of the foot. This prevents any “pooling” on the affected foot.

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