Thursday, January 31, 2013

Health Benefits of Calcium

One of the important minerals needed to sustain a strong and healthy body is calcium. A lot of patients usually think that calcium is only needed to promote strong healthy bones and teeth, but it is also good to know that calcium plays a vital role in multiple body systems.

Calcium is involved in many bodily functions like: muscle contractions, transferring signals from one neuron to another, help carry substances between the cell wall and also vital to maintain the ph balance of blood. 

Calcium levels are strictly regulated by the body, the bones are primarily used to store calcium. When needed, especially when the blood becomes acidic, calcium is slowly released from the bone and reabsorbed again if there is excess calcium.

Calcium supplements are needed to prevent and treat any calcium deficiency. A typical 20 year old adult needs about 1000mg of calcium a day and teenagers who are at a growth spurt needs about 1200 mg a day. Medical experts recommend that supplements are taken in with food and should not exceed more the 600 mg because it is found that excessive calcium intake can slow down absorption. It is recommended to take half the dose in the morning and half in the evening.

Typically, vitamin D is added  to calcium supplements. Vitamin D is important since this vitamin is converted into a hormone that synthesizes the production of intestinal proteins, these intestinal protein on the other hand, help in the absorption of calcium in the gut.

There are a lot of foods rich is calcium. Milk is rich with this mineral and is easily absorbed. The problem with milk is that a lot of individuals are lactose intolerant.

Soya Milk is a vegetable derived milk rich in protein, calcium is added to meet the required levels.
Coral calcium is another excellent source of calcium. Usually is tablet or powder form, this product really comes from fossilized corals. Coral calcium is made of calcium carbonate and trace minerals.

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