Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Painful Neuromas of the Foot

Neuromas are tumors or new tissue growth that contain nerve fibers and neurons. These growths usually occur around nerve tissues and can occur anywhere in the body. In the most common neuroma that occurs on the foot is Morton's neuroma.

Mortons neuroma or sometimes referred to as intermetatarsal neuroma are non-neoplastic tumors, meaning there are no actual nerve growths and only nerve swelling occurs. This is commonly found at the balls of the feet between the metatarsal bones. Generally, neuromas can spontaneusly grow anywhere in the foot, but this type is commonly located between the 3rd and 4th toes.

Morton's neuroma occurs because of constant compression of the nerve due to improper footwear. This compression irritates the nerve causing it to thicken and enlarge.

Initial symptoms are numbness, burning, or tingling sensation of the foot. With constant use of improper footwear, the nerves become more inflamed and enlarged. This causes severe foot pain that persists for several days and not relieved by rest. Some patients experience permanent nerve damage.

Non-surgical treatments can be done for mild to moderate neuromas.

1. Cold packs help minimize pain and swelling.

2. Orthotic devices and paddings can help lessen the pressure on the nerves of metatarsal arch.

3. Pain relievers can be taken to reduce inflammation and pain.

4. Steroid injections help reduce local swelling and inflammation.

Surgical treatment is reserved only if the above treatments are unsuccessful. Usually, cryosurgery of the neuroma is the preferred procedure because of high success rate.

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