Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Learn About Heel Pain

Heel pain is a very common problem of the foot in adults. It is a general complaint that can be due to several causes. When treating heel pain, it is imperative to identify the specific cause of the pain because each treatment modality is specific for a certain heel problem.

Before you schedule for an appointment, it is best to know two of the common causes of heel pain.

The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a strong and thick connective tissue that runs from the calcaneus or the heel bone to the toes of the foot. Basically, it is responsible in maintaining the arch of the foot and it undergoes stress when bearing weight. Injury or inflammation occurs when the fascia becomes too tight or undergoes severe stress when lifting, running or simply being overweight. The pain associated with plantar fasciitis is due to prolonged standing and walking.

Posterior heel pain involves pain at the back of the foot or heel. Also known as Achilles tendinitis, this involves the injury and inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body; it attaches the heel bone (calcaneus) to the calf muscles (soleus and gastrocnemius). This tendon works like a spring when walking and running. This spring reaction or elastic storage energy can generate a running speed 80% or more. Injury and inflammation occurs due to overuse and sudden or forceful stretching that can tear the tendon, similar to those seen in Olympic runners.

Both of these conditions can effectively be treated by Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or ESWT. Approved by the FDA to treat plantar fasciitis, ESWT can also be used in Achilles tendinitis. Very similar to ultrasound, this procedure locally stimulates the body's own healing process in dealing with tendinitis.

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